Though I am still not sure how to pronounce the word “athenaeum,” I am more than flattered to have been a guest there. I arrived at South Street Station, where a lovely woman named Ginny Bride met me and drove me to the hotel. The room wasn’t ready yet, so I changed in the ladies’ room in the basement, then Ginny drove me to the Athenaeum. Gorgeous room, nice man hooking up my microphone, wonderful partner onstage—Peter Sokolowski, of the Merriam-Webster Company—and an amazing audience for a Tuesday afternoon. I met Barbara Wallraff, famous Boston wordsmith, and Linda Lowenthal, who gave me a wonderful review in the Boston Globe. Best of all was seeing old friends in line to get books signed. And they dug up a custom-printed Blackwing to give me as a souvenir. Thanks!
